Mayank Khanna

Be Better At

Project Summary

In today's world, people find a challenge seeking help for learning something they are not skilled at, especially, when the amount of things a person can do or be aware of are humungous. People would benefit from such a service because everyone out there is interested in learning something new or improving upon their existing skills. Nowadays, our experiences lead us to be well-connected to many people, but be less-aware about each individual and hence, know less about their interests.
Designed a mobile application that faciltates sharing of skills among people.The platform provides a means by which a user, who would like to gain a particular skill or need some help in a particular domain, would be able to find people who would be interested in teaching/guiding that particular user. The intent of the platform is to connect people with similar skills digitally but motivate them to meet physically to get their share of guidance.

Final Prototype

Process Walkthrough

Brainstorming & Sketching | Several approaches were laid-out and sketches were created to understand the user's needs and areas where the platform could facilitate interaction between people.

Personas | Several approaches were laid-out and sketches were created to understand the user's needs and areas where the platform could facilitate interaction between people.

Wireframes | Wireframing was done to conceptualize the flow and understand navigational elements.

Paper Prototype | The prototype was created to test the functionality related to the login process, searching for a skill and requesting a skill.
The app prioritizes searching for friends over other people and first highlights that the user can leverage his/her current network to learn the skill. If the user wants he/she can choose to look for other people if he/she is not interested in learning from friends the app highlights.